R was quite fond of the judge...even gave him a smile when he was talking to him!
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Baby R is officially a WILLIS!!!
A caught a snowflake on her mitten...she thought that was very cool!

R really didn't get what all the fuss was about...
Last week A got to experience snow for the very first time in her life! She was SO excited!! It snowed for about an hour. The girls went out and played in it the whole time. They were so excited that they ran to all the neighbor's houses and told them...we had all of the neighbors' kids in our yard, yelling and screaming and having a blast. Sable even went outside and enjoyed the fun! A thoroughly enjoyed herself, but she was very disappointed that the snow didn't hang around for long...it actually turned into rain after about an hour...but it sure was fun while it lasted!
Monday, January 14, 2008
R's stats...4 month checkup!!!
And this is R after 4 months of love...
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Little R is 4 months old!!

The girls are always doing silly things with R and then laughing at him...he never seems to mind though. Getting him undressed for a bath turned into 5 minutes of hysterical laughter from both girls...
Another month has passed, and R is now 4 months old! He is getting so big and while he has always been a fun baby, he is tons of fun now. He coos and laughs, and he always has a smile for us! He has just learned how to spit, and has lots of fun seeing how much slobber he can get out of his mouth...and its a lot!!! Everything that comes near him goes straight to his mouth. Big R took him just before his 4 month birthday to get a haircut...I knew I was probably making a mistake by letting him go without me...he has been wanting the "high and tight" since R was born! Needless to say, little R came back with a lot less hair, but we thought he looked quite handsome...Friday, January 4, 2008

We realized after we opened all the presents that we hadn't taken a single picture of the kids opening them!! We got so engulfed in making sure we called family when we opened their presents that we totally forgot the camera!! We celebrated Christmas alone this year...I think for the very first time in our 10 years of marriage. We had a quiet morning at home, then we all loaded up and went to Fort Gordon to eat Christmas dinner at the dining facility. The food was great, and I just really didn't want to cook a huge meal when we had no family here with us. It was a great day, and since it wasn't so hectic we were able to focus a little more on the true meaning of Christmas and not just presents and visiting family.