R and T went to a purity ball last weekend. They had a great time having dinner and dancing together, and got a lot of good information! The girls both thrive on "time alone" with Daddy, and any time they get a chance to go on a date with him they are thrilled! Now hopefully I have a chance with little R actually getting excited to go out with Mommy when he is bigger...somehow the mention of a Mommy/Daughter date night just doesn't hold the thrill for the girls that the Daddy/Daughter date night does! (I mean, I'm only the one that threw up for 5 months straight, suffered through horrible heartburn, weight gain, stretch marks...and we won't even discuss the labor, delivery and nursing!) I'm really not bitter...I love that the girls love their Daddy and want to spend time with him...and I think that relationship will be VERY important as they get older and start making decisions about the kind of men they want in their lives...