Each year we go to the pumpkin patch, pick out pumpkins, decorate a fall scene in our front yard and take pics of the kiddos in front of it. We have done this for many years (since we lived in VA). Last year our beloved scarecrow Johnny was destroyed by the "ill-mannered" neighborhood dogs...I found poor Johnny in a million pieces in our front yard one morning. So we ventured out to get a new "Johnny", even though R is very scared of anything scarecrow related. Well, by the time we made it to Hobby Lobby, they were out of scarecrows anyway, so we wound up with a very "fallish" rake decoration...which suited R just fine! We got everything together and got the kids rounded up for the photo shoot...and this was the result! As you can see, R is not in the pic with the girls...after taking a pic on my lap, he would have nothing more to do with the photo shoot. As soon as we would sit him down, he would hop right back up and walk off. So we got a lovely picture of our great kids...minus little R.