Years ago, when we lived in Virginia, we started "family movie night" with the girls. We started making our own pizza and watching a movie every Friday night. Over the years, we have continued the tradition and very rarely did we miss a Friday night family movie night. As little R has gotten older, it has become more of a challenge to watch a movie together as a family (he's not the quietest little guy during a movie), so R and I haven't been as motivated to continue the tradition, and we have done it less frequently in the last year. I decided since we moved into a new house, it was time for a fresh start, and we need to start making it a priority to do our family night again. We did it on Saturday last week (we had a Sunday School social on Friday) and when I told the girls they were excited, but little did I know HOW excited. R and I went to buy groceries, and when we came home the girls had it all set up to make was too cute! So we all made pizza, ate it together, and watched a movie...good FAMILY time!! I am a huge fan of traditions, and I believe it is very important that we have family traditions (especially as much as our lives change from year to year with all our moves), and this is one that we are definitley going to keep!

This is T's sign that she made...very cute, I thought!
They had 3 "pizza stations" set up for making pizzas...again, too cute!
All 3 of them working hard to create a pizza masterpiece!
A's finished pizza
T's finished pizza