It was great being back in the States for Easter this year!
On Saturday, our friends hosted a wonderful Easter egg hunt at their home! Little R got lots of eggs, without the mad dash at most of the public egg hunts. It was a great change of pace!
Little R has his Skylanders bucket, and he is ready to go!! |
Fillin' up that bucket! |
Even the big kids got to hunt! A found mostly money eggs...she was a happy girl! |
Having some lunch before digging into the candy. |
Unfortunately, T didn't get to come with us because she had to work! But on Sunday we went to church, and even got to enjoy service together since they didn't have children's activities that day. Little R rarely goes to service, and I had him armed with lots of paper and a pen to entertain him. But he kept tuning in to the message...any time the pastor would say "Jesus", little R would look up. And he thoroughly enjoyed the music, singing along "Hal-ya-yoo-yah"....too cute!
No fancy new Easter clothes this year! We decided to keep the focus where it needed to be...on Jesus! (Actually, in all honesty, I did buy Little R a snappy little suit with a vest and tie. But he decided that morning that he didn't want to wear it after all, so I returned it, and used the money for something he needed...a new swimsuit!) |