Saturday, February 2, 2008

Our basketball star!

Doesn't she look all grown up?

A can't get over how T looks with her mouthguard...I think she looks tough!

Going up for the shot!!

This has been T's signature move...streaking through under the goal, wide open, yelling for the ball!

R was so excited that T wanted to play basketball this year!! She played in the Upward league at our church, and she was awesome!! She scored in every game, and by her last game today we finally had her rebounding, too!! She has improved drastically over the season, and R has high hopes for her as his basketball star. Basketball is the one sport I really enjoy, so I have found myself really enjoying her games. Then the cheerleader in me comes out, and A and I are on the sidelines cheering her on!!! It's been a lot of fun, and we can't wait until next year when she actually gets to play for her school team!


Mom said...

Way to go, Tori!!

The Lot Lizzards said...

I cannot believe how grown up she is! She looks like she is loving every minute of it! I am sure her Daddy is proud too! GOOD JOB TORI!!