Sunday, July 20, 2008

Branson fun...

R with MiMi at Splash Country

T enjoying the water slide

R's first carousel can see him in the back...the mom and daughter in front of him couldn't take their eyes off of him!

A in the biggest rocking chair ever at Celebration City!

R agrees...Branson IS fun!!

Every summer my parents take the girls to Branson for a few days of fun. This year baby R and I met them up there to introduce him to the fun of Branson. The girls enjoyed showing him all their favorite places, and he had a good time everywhere we went. He wasn't too sure about the swimming at the waterpark...he hasn't quite figured out why the girls think it is soooo much fun! But he tolerated it, and even managed to get MiMi in the kiddy pool...without her swimsuit!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yuts, daw palagpat imo blog.