Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The evolution of a smile...

We were thrilled when he started giving us his first smiles...

Once he started smiling, he never seemed to stop!

The teeth only made the smile that much cuter!!

R's still smiling, and so are we!
It still amazes me how happy little R is most of the time! Unless he is tired or hungry, he is usually in a good mood! We receive several of his "million dollar smiles" each day, and you can't help but smile when he does. His whole face lights up when he smiles, and he gets that "sparkle" in his deep dark eyes...I know there will be a day when he is a grown man with the weight of the world on his shoulders and that smile may come less frequently...but for now I am going to enjoy the happy little boy that R is right now!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ryan is getting so big and so adorable...we miss yall...hope everything is going great...