Monday, August 17, 2009

Brandon Heath

This was our wonderful view of the stage from our seats!

We were all hot & was around 95 degrees and HIGH humidity!

I always get on to A for her "fake" picture fake smile here...she was genuinely happy!

The girls with their meet & greet passes...genuinely happy again!

The girls and I got to see Brandon Heath in concert on Saturday night! I have loved his music for a long time, but the girls have really started enjoying it in the last few months. Anyway, when we bought our season passes to Frontier City, we saw that Brandon Heath was part of the concert lineup for the summer. The girls have been waiting all summer for this concert, and they were so excited!! The concert is free with admission to the park, so we weren't sure how seating would be. We got there early and found out that we could buy VIP seats for $5, so we did...and ended up in the 2nd row. The lady was also nice enough to give us "meet and greet" passes, so we got to go backstage and meet Brandon before the show. The girls were so excited and nervous...but he was great, and very down to earth. The concert was awesome, and we thoroughly enjoyed our girls day out!

1 comment:

JHalmes said...

You guys get to meet the most fantastic people!!
Love those smiles!!