Friday, September 24, 2010

Soccer sensation???

We decided to put R in soccer! They have a 3-4 yr old league at the Y, and even though he didn't make the cutoff of being 3 by Sept. 1st, they let him play anyway. He LOVES playing soccer at home, and the boy can kick a ball like you wouldn't believe! We weren't sure how it would go playing with other kids though, and actually following rules. He had his first game last Saturday, and R was out of town and had to miss it. Little R did first...then ended up in tears and sitting in Mommy's lap! This week Mommy is going to try to watch from afar without little R knowing where I am...R seems to think he will play much better that way! I have been banned from attending practice, and R says he does great without me there! He definitely is a "Mama's Boy"!!!


Mom said...


MomsTheWord said...

Just found your did I not know? Your little R is getting so BIG! We miss you guys!