Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Dinnertime Prayers

Family dinner is very important to me.  Every night during the week (and most nights on the weekend) I cook dinner, and we sit down as a family and eat together.  We always say a prayer for our food before we eat, and little R has just recently wanted to be the one to say the prayer.  He squeezes his eyes soooo tight, and concentrates soooo is just too cute!  You always know what his favorite things of the day are by his prayer at dinnertime...and he very rarely says thank you for the food!

This isn't the best video quality, and please excuse the big Sonic cup....I don't usually have a huge soda at dinnertime...but Happy Hour had called our name that day! : )

Thank you for Jesus and everything
Thank you for Mommy, Daddy, Tori and Abbi
Thank you for ???? (even I can't translate this one!)
Thank you for peanuts and everything
And Thank you for Goldfish (yes, he had peanuts AND Goldfish for snack earlier that day)

1 comment:

Mama Jessica said...

That is awesome! I love it when little kids pray. Ian will pray and asks daddy to pray for things like fox news (yep, you read right) and videos and special agent Oso. It is SO cute!