The next morning we got packed up and checked out of the house. The house was amazing, and we loved it, but the best part was the people we rented it from! They were SO very nice, and we had some great conversations with them at check-in and check-out. Just really great people! If you EVER go to Ireland...EVER, I highly recommend this house, from these people! It simply could not have been any better!
After we left the house, we drove back to Bunratty for some souvenir shopping. They had an amazing shop!! We all got tons of stuff there! The kids all got Irish sweaters...too cute!
After shopping a bit, we started the drive to Dublin. Almost as soon as we got on the highway, traffic stopped completely. There was a vehicle on fire up ahead, and we were stuck for about an hour. So our 3 hour trip turned into over 4 hours! But we finally made it to the hotel, and R returned Big Bertha (our rental van) to the airport. We had pizza delivered to the hotel, and then all crashed pretty early. I was actually in bed before 10:00...that NEVER happens!! I think I was just relieved that all my planning and tour guide duties were over! : ) We had to get up early the next morning and head to the airport. Two relatively smooth flights, and we were back "home" in Stuttgart. It was a great trip, but it sure was nice to be home!
I am so very thankful that we got to do this trip with my parents. It was such a blessing to have them visit, and although the trip had its stressful moments, it was wonderful nonetheless!! Thanks Mom & Dad for coming to see us in Germany, and thanks for the fun times in Paris and Ireland!! We definitely made memories that none of us will ever forget!!
Last pics before we left the house. Beautiful sunshine to start the day! |
Some of the last pretty views before we got into Dublin. |
Notice the big highway?? So much easier for R to drive on the big roads. |
A rainbow on the way to Dublin. We saw several rainbows during the week. |
Pizza delivered to the hotel. |
Little R ate 3 pieces!!! |
Nothing better than pizza after a hard day of traveling! |
The men finished off their evening with a Guinness. |
I finished off my evening with some quiet time with my little man. |
Early the next morning as we were getting ready to wake up the kids...Little R rolled over, put his arm around T, and smiled...still pretty much asleep. VERY sweet! |
At the airport. R likes to get there we always have a long wait at the gate. |
Fun times! |
We pointed out this sign to Little R. He thought it was great that it had his name on it! |
And then we spotted the airplane with his name!! Very exciting! But then he wanted to know why we weren't flying on an airplane that had his name on it... |
Little R loves flying! No fear at all for this guy. The flight attendant gave Teddy a seat belt that attached to Little R' keep him safe. Little R thought that was very cool! |