Friday, February 22, 2013

Valentine's Day

Thankful that for another year we got to be T's valentine.  We know that someday soon, some young man will steal her heart, and it will never be ours in the same way again!

Thankful that A will be our valentine for many more years to come!

Also thankful that Little R will always be MY valentine!

We always buy the girls flowers for Valentine's Day...and usually chocolate...but this year we made the smarter choice, and simply got flowers!  Little R, on the other hand, doesn't appreciate he got a big 'ol bag of M&M's!  He just finished them off yesterday...he's been having a few each day!
MiMi & PaPa sent a box full of goodies and cards.  Lots of fun stuff for the whole family!

All in all, it was a great day!!

Side note:  This picture is a little too "real" for my can see the dirty dishes piled up in my sink in the background!!  Oh well, this time I choose to look at the smiling faces, not the dirty dishes!

1 comment:

Mama Jessica said...

You are so funny, I didn't even notice that your kitchen was in the background till you mentioned it! Lovely girls you have. I'm glad I will never have teenagers, see I made a deal with God so he will come back before that happens ;)