Day 3 Itinerary: The hop on/hop off bus tour! Our plan was to ride the full route on the bus, to pick out a few things we might want to go back to later on our own. We were able to catch the bus right outside our apartment, which was great!
We hopped on, and away we went!
This is the area where we stayed. It was a neat area...had it's own little village vibe with restaurants, etc. |
The London Eye...again! |
Look kids! It's Big Ben! |
R had the get LOTS of architecture pictures when R has the camera...and ZERO people pictures! |
Sherlock Holmes Pub...neat! |
Trafalgar we came up to it, our guide said they were doing some sort of shoot there that morning (that's why the crane is there). Evidently, this is a common occurrence here. |
And what kind of shoot was it??? A Dr. Who shoot!!! The girls were beyond thrilled, and they insisted we got off the bus RIGHT THEN and check it out! |
So we hopped off at the next stop and headed back to the Square. I made them stop long enough for the phone booth picture! |
We walked the few blocks back to Trafalgar Square, and look what we found!
The tardis!! Now this doesn't mean much to me, but to Dr. Who fans, it's a big deal! |
Filming...Matt Smith...the guy who plays Dr. Who...again, means nothing to me, but the girls were ecstatic! |
Not much gets our T excited...but this did! |
A lot of other people were excited, too! |
Even though I don't watch Dr. Who, it was cool to see how a TV show is actually shot...there were lots of people involved. |
After about 30-45 minutes of watching the shoot, Little R was DONE! He didn't understand what the big deal was. We were all hungry, so we decided to head back to Sherlock Holmes to eat lunch.
Out in front...very neat place! |
R is happy...he has food!! And what is Little R eating?? |
Fish & Chips, of course! That was one of T's requirements for the & chips! So she got her wish...and even shared with Little R. |
We met a very nice British guy inside, and since we left at the same time, he offered to take a family picture..yay! |
Then we hopped back on the bus to finish our interrupted tour!
Old school double decker bus! |
The Times Square of London? |
Very nice! |
The Hard Rock be continued! |
Again, R had the camera and I think he snapped a picture of EVERY building in London! But they were quite impressive, so definitely photo-worthy!
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The Tower Bridge...I loved this one! |
London Bridge...not quite as impressive as you would think, considering it has it's own song! |
We rode the bus back to the apartment, and settled in for the evening. Dinner in the apartment that night, and time to warm up and rest up for the next day!
Itinerary Day 4: The Changing of the Guard!