Thursday, February 12, 2009

Valentine's Day Treats

T with her Valentine's balloon & roses

A with her Valentine's balloon & roses

R is still looking a little guilty, wondering if Mommy is going to take it away from him!

How can you be mad at that face???

He was so cute, and A was so proud of him for eating it so well, and so sweet to share it with him, that I couldn't get mad at either one of them!

The girls had their Valentine's Day parties at school today, so they came home with lots of goodies. I had to finish up their Valentine's present from me inside, so when they got home from school, I asked them to play outside with R for just a few minutes while I got their gifts ready. I was inside for about 5 minutes, and when I came out T was pulling R around the yard in the wagon...great right? Well, upon closer inspection I discovered that A had decided to be generous and share a lovely piece of chocolate candy with R...a whole piece...and boy was he loving it! It was one of those chocolate covered chocolatey caramels...oooey, gooey goodness! Now if you are around me very much, you know that it is a constant struggle for me to try to keep junk food away from R...between the girls and my parents, someone is always trying to give him "treats". I just want to keep him away from the junk for as long as possible...I was thinking until maybe he was 2 or 3. Well, that dream ended today!!! R devoured the entire piece, loving every last morsel of it. I have to admit it was actually kind of cute, but I know now that he realizes how yummy it is, he will be quite persistent when he sees it again!

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