Monday, June 20, 2011

A Day at the Zoo!!

We LOVE going to the zoo!!  If I had known how much we would love it, I definitely would have bought a zoo pass...but we get in for half price because they have a great military discount, so it is still an inexpensive day of fun for us!  We ventured out for a day at the zoo not long after R left for the summer...and it was a day of "firsts" in several ways!  We saw parts of the zoo that we never saw the times that R navigated us through, little R rode the carousel without Mommy for the first time ever and experienced cotton candy for the first time!  He also decided on this day of "firsts" that getting his feet wet in the little creek was fun!  He HATES getting his shoes wet any other time, but he splashed in the creek for at least 30 minutes before I had to drag him away, explaining that there was a lot of zoo left to see!  It was a lot of fun for little R, and it is an activity that the girls enjoyed, too!  When your 3 kids range in age from 13 to 3, it's very difficult to find activities that they ALL enjoy!  The zoo is definitely a hit with all of us!!

 Getting their feet wet in the creek!  First time R has EVER willingly gotten his shoes wet!

First taste of cotton candy...MMMMM 

First ride on the carousel without Mommy standing beside him...and yes, I was a little nervous!! 

We were watching the sleeping lions behind these rocks.  R got bored and started climbing on the rocks.  I made a comment as we walked around to the front that the sign probably said "NO CLIMBING"....yep, sure enough! 

R's favorite spot...the gorillas!  And we just happened to run into one of his favorite friends from Mother's Day Out!  They didn't want to part ways!  (On a side note, this is pretty typical of R with boys his age...he is still usually several inches shorter...he's our LITTLE guy with a BIG personality). 

 Mommy and R...and a goose! R decided to "strike a pose"!!

All 4 of us!!  It took 3 tries...I kept cutting R's head off in the picture! 

We had to wait a while for the train, so T kept us entertained with her train token!  Pirate sounds topped off the entertainment! 

This is what R thought of her trick!  He loved it...couldn't stop giggling! 

And this is R's version of the pirate trick...he tried and tried...and finally (somewhat) succeeded!!


Mom said...

Oh my gosh! What a FUN day!!!!

Anonymous said...

love the pics...and i LOVE LITTLE GUYS!...have one myself...