Monday, April 2, 2012

Girl Time!

We have lots of family time around our house.  And little R and I have lots of Mommy/Son time.  But very rarely do the girls and I get any special time alone together.  So we decided to put an end to that yesterday, and left R & little R here at home while we went to a "girls only" afternoon at the movies.  The girls have been dying to see The Hunger Games, and we were so excited to see that it was coming to the post theater (only a week late)!!  The girls have both read all 3 books...I have not.  But the movie was really good, and now I think I need to read the books, too! : )

It was great to get away for the afternoon!!

A final note:  One of the things I love about going to a movie at the post theater...they play the National Anthem before the movie starts.  It is amazing to see a packed theater full of kids and teenagers become totally silent, and stand with their hands over their hearts during the entire song!  Makes me proud...and a little teary!

1 comment:

Mama Jessica said...

Love your dark hair! You girls look great!