Friday, April 6, 2012

R's playtime

Little R has been at home with me all week.  He finished up at his old kindergarten last week, and he doesn't start at the new one until April 17th, so he has had lots of playtime at home!

He plays alone very well, as long as he can hear me in the room with him, or at least very nearby.  He sets up these elaborate battle scenes.  There is always a bad guy, and lots of good guys set up to defeat him!  It's actually quite cute to listen to the dialogue that goes along with these "epic battles".

Here Buzz Lightyear is leading the charge!!

He was explaining to me exactly what was was very detailed! : )

This scene was set up during "rest time".  This was the first time I had seen Monster Trucks get involved!  He became very upset later that night when A did her chore of picking up his room and moved the soldiers!!

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