Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Pre-K Graduation...a big day for my big boy!!

After a lot of discussion we moved Little R from German kindergarten to an American pre-k on post.  We debated, we prayed, we weighed the pros & cons, and I asked the opinion of everyone I knew...yes, I worried myself into a frenzy over this decision!!  But in the end, we put him in pre-k, and in the end, it was the right decision!

Little R LOVED school!  He made some great friends, learned some great things, and had an overall great experience!  He even had his first crush on someone other than Mommy!

Pre-K graduation was a little bittersweet for me.  First, it meant he would be moving on to all day kindergarten this year.  Second, since we were leaving Germany soon after, it meant saying goodbye to his sweet little friends.  And I don't think he understood at the time that when we left Germany, it was for good!

But, overall Pre-K was great for Little R!  And I am confident that he is ready for kindergarten this year...I'm just not confident that I am!

Posing at home in his "snappy" clothes!  He helped pick out this outfit in the it was special!

LOVE him!!

Before the ceremony...can you tell which little girl is his "crush"??

Walking down the aisle to Pomp & Circumstance!!  He was trying to look like a tough guy, but he made my heart melt!

Saying the Pledge of Allegiance

Singing a song together...

Getting his certificate

Best Buddies!!  These two were such good was so much fun to watch them together!  And his mom was pretty cool too, so that made it good for me!

Mr. great teacher!!  Little R really enjoyed him!

Another good buddy...if Little R wasn't with Sterling (previous pic), he was with Luis!!  Luis NEVER calls Little R by his name...only Batman! : )  Too cute!

Could they be any more handsome...really???

1 comment:

Mama Jessica said...

Oh my goodness, he looks so stinking cute in his "snappy" outfit!