Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Our First Day HOME!!

The first thing on our agenda the morning after our arrival was to go and see our new home!  My parents made several trips to OK looking at houses for us...without them we never could have secured a house from Germany!  But we had only seen a couple of dark, blurry pictures of the we were going solely on my parents' opinion of the house...and because our goal is security for our kids...we signed a 3-yr lease on a house we had never seen!!  So we were just a little anxious to get over and see it!

Driving into Edmond for the first time...

Our street...

Our new home...

Checking things out...

This is the result of 40 hours of travel...and a 7 hour time difference...and jet lag.  She slept on the hardwood floor for about 30 minutes!!

After having NO closets for the last 2 years, this is one of my favorite features of our new home...and I don't even have to share it with anyone right now!

And another favorite new XL washer & dryer!  The German washer & dryer I had was TINY, and they take forever to finish a load.  So I would do several loads of laundry  But not here!!  I am able to do laundry ONCE A WEEK, and get it finished in less than a day!!  It's absolutely amazing!!  I LOVE IT!!

Another favorite feature...our patio!  I spend lots of time out here now that we have the puppy.  But I can't wait to have friends over and cook out, and watch the kids play in the backyard! 
After looking over the house, it was time for lunch!  And where did we want to eat our first lunch in Edmond???  Why, Chick Fil A, of course!!
I had been looking forward to this day for SO long!!  And it was wonderful!  And I won't admit how many times we have been back to Chick Fil A in the 2 1/2 months we've been here...
A wonderful first day back in Edmond!!  We are so excited to be back!  And I am so excited about all the memories we are going to our new (and hopefully last) hometown!!

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