Sunday, November 13, 2011

Fall in Germany

The fall colors here have been absolutely beautiful!!  We have been meaning to take pictures of the drive into our town for weeks, but never seem to have our camera with us!  Finally last weekend, we took a walk around town to try and capture some pics for our Christmas card..(which we got, by the way, and you will NOT be seeing on this post)!!  After we were done with our walk, R jumped in the car and took a couple of pics of the road out of our town.

Stuttgart, Germany is HUGE!  It has over 600,000 people!  So while we are stationed at Stuttgart, we don't live there.  We live in a small town named Steinenbronn.  It has a population of about 5,200 people, and that suits us just fine!  We have several cafes, restaurants, hotels and bakeries in the town.  There are also pharmacies, gas stations and grocery stores.  Basically, anything you need you can get in our town without having to travel into the bigger cities.  Of course, you have to get it before about 7:00 in the evening, and NEVER on Sunday...everything shuts down early in the evening...and pretty much NOTHING is open on Sunday!  But we like our little town, and we keep discovering new things the more we venture out!

The is the road coming into our town...a very pretty drive!

Same road...

This has become one of our favorite spots...a little cafe in our town, owned and operated by a Turkish family.  We love their pizza!!

This is looking up from the center of our town...little R and I walk this path everyday to go to school.

The is the 'rathaus', or city hall of our town.

Pretty tree in front of the rathaus...and some pretty cute kids, too!

This is at the German school...

Pretty fall colors near little R's school...

The kids couldn't resist the leaves!  That is R's school in the background!

This is little R's school...a German kindergarten.  This is quite the experience for him and for me!

A house along our walk route...this was full of blooming flowers earlier in the year...still pretty without all the blooms!

One of MANY open fields...R took advantage of the open space!

The view of the hillside walking up to our side of town.

The view of the main part of our town...we live up on one side, and the middle of town is kind of in a valley.

More pretty? : )

More open fields..a lot of these were full of corn until just recently!

This was a bit spooky, but the kids wanted to check it out anyway!

I can't say that I love living here yet, and I don't know if I ever will.  But I can say that every single day we see something that is just simply beautiful!  The houses, the forests, the fields...there is so much here that is so different from home...but beautiful nonetheless!  And we are trying to embrace the much more simple lifestyle they have here...taking walks as a family, taking pride in the appearance of your home (not because it's a grand, expensive home, but because it is yours and you are going to make it look it nice), and walking anywhere you need to go in your town.  Basically, people here enjoy their families, enjoy getting outside with them, and enjoy their beautiful surroundings!  I think I could get used to that!


Mom said...

It's so beautiful there. Are you amazed yet at the lack of trash around and how neat and clean everything is? The girls are so beautiful and so grown up. I can honestly say I loved Germany and would love to live in your town. hugs and kisses.

rkbsnana said...

It is beautiful as are all your children. I could make all of those pictures look like the United States.