Sunday, November 6, 2011

Our "new" wheels...

More changes brought on by this Germany move...our vehicles.  The Army will only ship one vehicle over for us, so we left R's truck behind at my parents' house and shipped my van over.  So we knew coming over here that we would have to buy R something to get to and from work.  But once we got over here, and saw how narrow the roads are, and how small the parking spaces are...we considered also getting me a smaller vehicle to drive day to day...

Now I have a been a "minivan mom" for many years now...and I have loved it!  I rebelled at first...but once child #3 comes along, a minivan becomes so much more appealing!  I have even convinced friends that the minivan is the way to go!!

But over here the minivan seems like a beast!!  I ran up on a curb the first time I drove here...little R asked from the backseat "Mama did we crash?"...and then I knew what had to be done....

We shopped for weeks, looking for TWO dependable vehicles that fit our budget, which was small, because remember...DEBT FREE...and staying that way!!  But we found two little cars, and they are working out perfectly!!

Since the girls are in school all day, most of the time when I go anywhere, it is just me and little the small car works out just fine during the week.  And when we all go out on the weekends as a family, we hop into the minivan...just like old times!

This is "Peggy" the VW Polo...she belongs to R...who began the practice of naming our vehicles many years ago...

And this is my (yet unnamed) car..and yes, it is purple!! : )  It is an Opel Astra...they have some weird cars here that we just don't have in the States...and in lots of funky colors!  This is actually a very common color over here! : ) 

1 comment:

Mom said...

You guys are fittin' right in! I didn't even know Opel still made cars! We had one and a VW station wagon when we were there. They will be MUCH easier to maneuver there.