Sunday, March 4, 2012

More work...DONE!

Working my hubby to death, but slowly getting ALL the rooms done! 
Our bathroom...the one room in the house that has been remodeled!!

Toilets here are a bit different than in the States...

Shower that R barely fits in...

Towel bar is HEATED...greatest.invention.EVER!!  I absolutely LOVE it!!

Living Room is finished...

Back area of the living room...AKA my office space and little R's play area...

Still have some empty white wall space...but we will handle that eventually!  We left a lot of our wall decor in storage in the States.


Squirly Girls said...

What a beautiful home!!! You have decorated wonderfully! I don't know how you get everything organized so fast. When you get back, I'm going to use your skills at my house.

Mom said...

Love it! I would sure love that heated towel bar too!