Sunday, July 22, 2012

4th of July...a couple of weeks late!

I LOVE the 4th of July!!  It is usually one of my favorite holidays.  But I was kind of dreading it this year. 

This was our first 4th of July outside of the United States.  In a place where we can't fly our flag at our home, or decorate the house in red, white and blue like we usually do.  Where there was no parade for A to march in, and no flags for little R to wave as she walked by. was definitely a different 4th of July for us.  But we went to the most "American" feeling place we have found so far...Ramstein AFB!!  They had a great experience, with lots of food, bounce houses for the kids, carnival games, rides...and of course fireworks!!  The only language we heard was English the entire day!!  It was wonderful!!

We still missed our friends and family back home, but it was a great day nonetheless. 
Loaded up and ready to go!
Obstacle course...A won!

This was hilarious!!  Boxing with these big, heavy gloves!!

T took out all her agression that has been built up in the last 10 years...everything A has ever done...

And this is the position she kept A in pretty much the whole time!!  Our non-violent T really enjoyed the boxing...maybe a little too much!
Little R loved watching the fight!!

R had to pose with the bunny...they matched!

Waitin' on fireworks...

King of the World!!

I forced T to smile for a picture!
Waiting patiently...
R picked flowers for all his ladies...

This one's for you Uncle Dave!!!!
Lots of fun things for the kids to do!

This is the line I stood in for over an hour...just for a funnel cake!  I hadn't had one in years!!

Little R kept his ears covered through most of the fireworks...they were LOUD!

The end of a great day together as a family, celebrating our great country that we love and miss so much!!

 Side Note:  For all of you who keep saying that I am never in the blog pictures.  I appear TWICE in this blog post...that should be good for a while! : )

1 comment:

Mama Jessica said...

I love the hair color! You guys look great!