Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Exploring Stuttgart

R took a day off work in the middle of the week, and we had a great family day together.  We kept Little R home from school and spent the day exploring some places right here in Stuttgart.

First we visited Schloss Solitude.  It's a pretty castle, but we didn't do the tour because they were all in German!  The grounds alone were worth the trip...beautiful grounds and a beautiful, sunny day.

Schloss Solitude

A & R LOVED this tree!  They played on it the entire time we were there.

These smiles make my heart happy!

The grounds were amazing...I kept thinking it would make a beautiful outside wedding...

The tree lined road up to the castle...beautiful!
Next we headed to Rubble Hill.  We read up on it a bit before we went.  This hill is made up of debris from WWII...lots of debris!  I'm not sure what we were expecting...but we weren't expecting this big of a hill!!  It's amazing once you get up to the top...you can see a 360 degree view of Stuttgart, the Black Forest and the entire surrounding area.  It was a little hazy the day we were there...but still amazing!  T complained the whole way up, and little R got off into the weeds and got a rash, but overall it was a still a fun time!

We made it to the top!!

The view is AMAZING!!!

More amazing view...of the city...

The view of the forests...

All the houses in every village/town are pretty much the same...white houses with red tile roofs...

Peaceful up here...I'm thinking of bringing a book and staying a while next time!
Piles of rubble...

Little R is all about posing for pictures...not sure what this pose was!
We walked back down, and headed to lunch!  It was a great lunch at an Italian restaurant.  R and T are really the only ones who like the German food, so we don't eat at German restaurants too often.  Then we headed home.  It was a great day in the middle of the week.  Such a rare opportunity to have R with us during the week!!
And then on the drive home, we saw R's future car...in his dreams!!
It was going a wee bit faster than our minivan!! : )

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