Saturday, January 18, 2014

Fall Break in Arkansas

For the kids' fall break at school, we loaded up and headed to Arkansas!  For our "city" kids, going to Mimi & PaPa's house is a treat.  They ride the go-kart, play in the dirt pile, drive the tractor, and all kinds of other exploring they just don't get here at home.  They LOVE it!  Little R loves walking down and checking on the shop...not sure why, but he has to do it several times each visit.  It was a great way to spend fall break!  And there's always LOTS of VERY dirty laundry to occupy my time when we return home!

Little R is loaded up and ready to go!

It didn't take the girls long to get the go-kart going.  A even drove it for the first time...which was a very scary experience for T, her passenger!

R's favorite...driving the tractor.  He likes to chase the girls on the go-kart.

We colored T's hair...deep, dark red!

Do you see the smile on little R's face???  Priceless!

Still smilin'

My heart!  All 3 of them are my greatest blessings and my greatest challenges...wouldn't want it any other way.

MiMi & PaPa with their favorite people in the whole wide world!!

My favorite activity...swinging in their new porch swing!  I love porch swings...but somehow I always live in houses with no porch...therefore, no porch swing!
Thanks for letting us spend our Fall Break with you guys MiMi & PaPa!  We enjoyed every minute of it!

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